Thursday, March 20, 2008

Elizabeth Magnolia

I said no more Magnolia posts UNLESS the yellow one at work bloomed. Not only did it blossom but so did one a few houses down from me. The fact that I do not ever remember seeing the one in my own neighborhood before is proof to how dim I had been allowing the horticultural part of my brain to grow over the past several years. "sigh" (I am shaking my head in disgust)

Anyhow, here are two of thee baby one at work:

And the one up the street that is just beautiful:


The Diva said...

I've wanted a yellow magnolia ever since I saw one on the original Martha Stewart. There is a really large specimen here at an abandoned nursery in Edmond, OK. It's really tall like Martha's was. It could never be moved. I hope when the property sells one day, they don't bulldoze it by mistake.~~Dee

Tina said...

Hi Dee. I have been to older nurseries where they let the trees grow through the boxes and into the ground, leaving a strange above ground looks so odd. Yeah, I hope the people who buy it appreciate plants and dont think its an ugly tree! I am always amazed at the people who come to the nursery, proud of the fact that they have ripped every item from their newly purchased home, even though they have no clue WHAT they tore out! Personally I would give heavy consieration to ANY established plant and try to work with it.

ferne said...

Thanks Tina! I have been waiting for ours to bloom at work too and they just haven't yet. These are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Tina, you are my kind of gardener always on the look out for a new plant! I love coming out to Mid-city to browse and buy.
My latest discovery is a Coprosma
" Evening Glow " OUTSTANDING!!

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